New Mini Course

Break Ups SUCK!

But they don't have to! Let me walk you through the steps necessary to FINALLY get over your ex and become the "Feminine Energy" woman you were created to be!

My name is Anita Stoudmire and I am your Feminine Power Mastery love mentor. I want to teach you how to reconnect with a side of yourself that is probably buried under your work, your business, your family responsibilities, and a thousand other things you have to do. My coaching practice, Better Love Movement, specializes in helping you to return to your feminine side so you can finally relax and lean back and allow others to step up and show up. You deserve the BEST that life has to offer and I want to show you how to have it. Starting right NOW!

Join 2,000+ women in learning the skills to "have it all, without doing it all" today!

"I was stuck on my ex for almost a year until I worked with Anita. She helped me to understand that I deserved a man who would pursue ME and helped me to lean back and surrender to a healthy, masculine man who wanted to do just that!" - Vanessa

In this mini course, Break Up Survival Skills; The Feminine Power Way! you will learn how to quickly navigate your breakup so that you can get to the other side and be with the man who is the best fit for you. You will learn the importance of feeling good every day as well as healthy coping skills and how to process through all of your emotions. I will give you some of my own tips and tricks for managing strong feelings and moving past them. You will also get an introduction into Feminine Power Mastery and how to become magnetically attractive to the right man for you when you're ready!

Break Up Survival Skills: The Feminine Power Way!

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